Kim's Blog

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

02-28-07 Today I finished cleaing a 1b patient. She was very compliant loved my advice. I finished her, but missed a few spots. I need to get a lot better at anguling and removing all of the calclus. I passed off the Diagnodent pe which was helpful. I helped assist on sealants and that was a really good review for me. I need to work on detecting suspicious areas better.

Today I saw a patient that was a class 2 and 3. He is the perfect board patient so i gave him to a senior! They are going to exchange a patient with me so that will be good. I didn't probe very well. My probe depths were off I got 3's and the instructor got 5's. I need to do better with my angling

Monday, February 12, 2007

I actually started and completed my patient today! It was so nice to be able to finish a patient and not have to have them come back. On my xrays the angulation turned out really well, but on the pre-molar shot I didn't position it far enough forward so I had two retakes. I think part of the problem was the pt's mouth was small. I did really well on timing except when it came to scaling. It took me 55 min to scale when it should have taken less than 35 min so I need to be quicker on that. I didn't miss any areas though so that was awesome! Today was a really good day I just need to speed up my scaling.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Today I scaled my first class 2 patient. I was a little frustrated because I thought my ending time was earlier, so I finished way early when I could have had more time to finish. Oh well, It was a way good experience. It took my like 40 min to just do the lower anteriors. That is a long time but I finished 2 quads and I only missed one spot!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Today my pt came back and I did a fm scale. It went well. I missed 3 areas on the anterior linguals, but It was a good learing experience. It took me 65 min, which is way to long, but I will get quicker with practice. Today overall was good. My pt had a really good attitude.

Today went well, but I still feel like I am moving slow! I really tried to be efficient but it always takes me so long. My goal it to become quiker while remaining detailed. So I guess that comes with time. My pt had a tooth that was a little inflamed so I took a PA and it was a huge abcess. I got through with OHI and am going to have the pt come back to clean her teeth. It was a good day I just need to pick up the pace.