Kim's Blog

Thursday, January 10, 2008

So, as usual it is always a little weird coming backing to clinic at first, but once I get going it all comes back. At the VA I saw two patients. The first had gen mod perio. My xrays were a little shaky, I kept cone cutting them so I really focussed on where the xray was. The last pt was half two half three. It was incredible becauase he was paralyzed and he barely had any use of his arms making it difficult for him to brush and impossible to floss. I showed his wife the best way to floss so that she could do it for him
Today at clinic I saw two patients that both ended up being class two's. In the afternoon I experimented with the lubes. I really liked using them and the magnification was excellent when I probed. When I used my hand instruments it became a little more difficult. I am going to practice more on another patient, but I definitely think that I will purchase some.



Blogger The Pyper's! said...

One day maybe I will be good enough to see two patients!

3:13 PM  

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